Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Get down Girls, go ahead get down

Girls, Girls, Girls....WOooo!!!

Why do you have to tortue me and the male gender with your devilish looks. For my boys out there you know what I am talking about. Walking on campus its like getting whip-lash because fine girls pass you by. Its like DAMN! Ciaooooo! Those curves, those lucious lips, those piercing eyes, that deadly smile....DAMN!

"I love girls, girls, girls, girls. Girls, I do adore," - Jay-Z

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Flight 109

I'm off to start another new school year tomorrow. Woo hoo. So how are you guys enjoying the life at your respective schools?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I have a newlywed friend, age 19. When I found out, instead of being happy for her, I felt bad for her. Imagine if you were married at 19?

Monday, September 12, 2005

Dream Girl

Ok here goes
I was having one of those dreams where a lot of things are happening. The cool thing was I am a wrestler so I have the money but still no love interest. Anyways someone is getting married my family knows the family. So I am at this wedding but I don't want to be because I don't want to run into this girl I have mad feelings for. My dad tells me to just relax, be cool and collective. So as I am getting my food I am surrounded by people like rich politicians and I guess my mom has made it big in the Political World.
Back to getting my food, there is this girl just freaking out about food. She doesn't people to eat the meat she wants them to eat veggie stuff. And that girl is the one I was trying to avoid, I could tell there was some history between us. When I finally get a good look at her it was Rachel McAdams (as a Brunette). I calmed her down and told her lets go for a walk down the block. As we walked out of the house some Black Jamican character said, "That's a lady for a good guy." So then we walked past by the tossing of the flower boque she went to grab it but I pulled her back saying "You will thank me tomorrow." It is cause she has a bf thats a douche. As we are officially walking out of the house someone is at the gate and I have to talk to them in spanish wasting time. I turn around to walk back to her and I can see her drying her tears and as I walk back the Dream is Over! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Don't you hate that? I just wanted to share that with everybody.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

pride in the...ghetto?

since we're all sharing, i just like...worked. i have a love-hate relationship with my job.

hey adam,
arizona ain't got shit on SB ;)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Pride in the Desert

Ohh yeah!!!
What up Wall how are you doing out there in Cally? It is official I am the only one from the wall out of the state of California and still standing tall.
My Labor Day Weekend became a four-day weekend. Last Thursday I saw ASU whipp ass on Temple. After the game my roommates and I went to go smoke Hookah at the this place called King Tut's Cafe (its next to our apt.). We started to smoke around 12:15 am and didn't finish until 2 am. We were still wide awake when we got back to our apt. so my suite mate brought out his porn dvds and we watched and laughed at it for one hour. The next day I didn't get up until noon. I hanged w/ the Brothers and began drinking at 8pm. I had several beers and three shots of Jagermeister (which kicks Cazadores' ass). I partied real hard and yakked by the end of the night. I crashed at my bro's house but I got up early to go home on the way I bought this great burrito but I guess when you're hungover anything taste good. I relaxed the whole day by watching college football and then around 9pm my brothers picked me up and we went to a house party. I got drunk again, played some beer pong. For those that don't know that game it really f*cks you up. My roommate picked me up becuz I didnt want to spend the night. Sunday I relaxed most of the day til night rolled I drank 3 beer within an hour and had a tall mug glass of Vodka Tonic then went to go smoke some Hookah. Labor Day, monday, I didn't get up til 1:30 in the afternoon. I went to a BBQ and enjoyed some football and wrestling. I did not do any homework and now I am behind.
Do you think I took advantage of this weekend?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Deja vu

Was this the same exact survey from 2 years ago? Oooh, it's fun to see how we've changed since then.

Give yourself a nickname: Honeybunnybunchesofoats?
Celebrity crush(es): Jude Law (I would say Norman Reedus, but Steph beat me).
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you think you'll have before you get married: Hundreds.
Age you want to get married: Never!
Favorite beverage: Thai iced tea.
Favorite season: Snowboarding season!
Favorite article of clothing: My bracelet.
Does true love exist?: Only if you believe in it.
Do you believe in soul mates?: I believe in soul food. Mmmm.
Scariest dream: The one where my younger cousin slits my throat with a knife.
Funniest dream: Oh, there is way too many.
Favorite romantic comedy (OR "chick flick"): Anything with John Cusack.
Phrase you use the most: "Where isn't the bathroom?"
Favorite line/lyric from a song: "You know all of my favorite singers have stolen all of my best lines." -The Alkaline Trio; "Blue Carolina"
Movie quote: "My dad just died, we just killed Bambi, I'm out here getting my ass kicked, and every time I drive down the road I wanna jerk the wheel into a goddamned bridge embunkment!" -Tommy Boy
Favorite cuss word: Cocksucker, cunt, fuck, motherfucker, piss, shit, & tit! Oh, the fun things we memorize in broadcasting class...
Last illegal thing you did: Jaywalk.
College major: Sociology, minoring in Film-Digital Media.
Future career: Food taster.
Weirdest thing that happened to you in college so far: Sex sandwich.
Boxers/briefs/boxer briefs: Boxer briefs.
Who should be governor of California?: Sylvester Stallone.
Song that you hate to admit that you like: I don't care if anyone knows, but I love Ashlee Simpson!
Weirdest present you ever gave to someone: A sponge.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

i'm bored (and plus alex is forcing me to do this)

Give yourself a nickname: teh steff
Celebrity crush(es): mmmm norman reedus...oh and i want to add garrett from senses fail too
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you think you'll have before you get married: i don't know, hopefully a lot? hehe
Age you want to get married: before i hit forty at least
Favorite beverage: 7-eleven SLURPEE!!
Favorite season: fall and winter
Favorite article of clothing: tank tops
Does true love exist?: sorry i'm a cynic, so no
Do you believe in soul mates?: no also
Scariest dream: i don't know if teeth falling out counts as scary, but it sure does freak me out
Funniest dream: i don't think i've ever had a funny dream
Favorite romantic comedy (OR "chick flick"): amelie, though i don't think it counts as a chick flick
Phrase you use the most: "TEH" and "jaysus"
Favorite line/lyric from a song: i have many, but currently it's "my heart is dead and it's way past beating" from underoath
Movie quote: i have two movies which i love quoting from (boondock saints and anchorman) but i can't pick just one.
Favorite cuss word: fuck ass
Last illegal thing you did: probably drinking
College major: sociology, and don't fucking ask me what i'm going to do with my degree--i'll shove it up your ass, that's what i'll do.
Future career: don't know, don't ask
Weirdest thing that happened to you in college so far: plenty
Boxers/briefs/boxer briefs: does this even apply to me?
Who should be governor of California?: me
Song that you hate to admit that you like: i don't think i have one
Weirdest present you ever gave to someone: i recently made a starburst lei for one of my roommates...does that count as weird?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Survey Says...One more for the Bad Guys

Give yourself a nickname: Showstoper
Celebrity crush(es): Mandy Moore, Kristin Kreuk, Angelina Jole, Jessica Alba
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you think you'll have before you get married: 3
Age you want to get married: 28 (somewhere near HS reuninon)
Favorite beverage: Are we talking alcohol?
Favorite season: Winter (late Fall too)
Favorite article of clothing: Upper Body attire
Does true love exist?: ‘True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another.’
Do you believe in soul mates?: Hmmm…Yes!
Scariest dream: The dream was that I was getting married. Don't get me wrong I want to get married and start a family. In the dream though I was getting married after the first year of college. My wife to be was beautiful, intelligent and funny. Jorge was at the wedding and all of you except two people who are close to me. That is Steven and Alex, you guys were doing internships....I think. During the dream...I kinda of back out of the wedding. I debate whether to get married to the girl or cancel it because I still have three years of college left.
Funniest dream: I went to Cal for Thanksgiving but I didn’t take my suticase. For some odd reason Yang forgot to shave and had hair in weird place.
Favorite romantic comedy (OR "chick flick"): Boys and Girls, Wedding Singer
Phrase you use the most: Douche & Tool
Favorite line/lyric from a song: Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the newand improved, you know who..Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with meYou can't stop me now You can't hold me down You can't keep me here, I'm on my way I've made it this far now And I'm not burning out No matter what you say, I'm not afraid
Movie quote: Fuck sympathy! I don't need your fuckin' sympathy, man, I need my fucking johnson!
Favorite cuss word: Anything w/ ASS
Last illegal thing you did: Drink
College major: Sociology for this semester
Future career: Pro Wrestling
Weirdest thing that happened to you in college so far: I plead the 5th
Boxers/briefs/boxer briefs: Boxer Briefs
Who should be governor of California?: Ask me when I move back.
Song that you hate to admit that you like: These Words
Weirdest present you ever gave to someone: I plead the 5th

Red: Dumbass!

AGarcia prez, Rule No. 5 - You're an idiot!


AGarcia prez: BRING IT BACK
AGarcia prez: adam just linked me this
a StuPidiot: bring what
AGarcia prez:
AGarcia prez: i TOTALLY FORGOT
a StuPidiot: haha
a StuPidiot: then just go post something in it
AGarcia prez: it is ur mission in life
a StuPidiot: haha
a StuPidiot: if i do, will you post something too?
AGarcia prez: how cool would it be, if we like posted in this daily or something
a StuPidiot: we did...3 years ago
AGarcia prez: like dear guys, tonight i got laid
a StuPidiot: haha
AGarcia prez: I KNOW
AGarcia prez: im losing my mind reading the archives
a StuPidiot: why?
a StuPidiot: are you drunk alex?